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Data Fields
apr_bucket_file Struct Reference

#include <apr_buckets.h>

Collaboration diagram for apr_bucket_file:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

apr_bucket_refcount refcount
apr_file_t * fd
apr_pool_t * readpool
int can_mmap

Detailed Description

A bucket referring to an file

Field Documentation

int apr_bucket_file::can_mmap

Whether this bucket should be memory-mapped if a caller tries to read from it

apr_file_t* apr_bucket_file::fd

The file this bucket refers to

apr_pool_t* apr_bucket_file::readpool

The pool into which any needed structures should be created while reading from this file bucket

apr_bucket_refcount apr_bucket_file::refcount

Number of buckets using this memory

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: